Same job, different uniform.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Dagger's Edge of Desire and Disappointment

Per capita, NSA girls are at the very least twice as hot as UI girls.

And yet the NSA girls seemed somehow more desperate. Not because they knew their own beauty and wished to see it appreciated—that, momentarily, they had forgotten—but because they knew their futures rode on the dagger’s edge of being lovely (but never wanton) clever (but never more clever than the boys) accomplished (but mostly, we hope, in feminine arts) with-it (but not of the world) and Christian (of the right persuasion). This, because the NSA male will expect perfection.

The UI male will not. The UI male is pragmatic. He wants... (If you can't guess, read the rest here.)

Lone Prairie on why the single are still unmarried.

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Blogger Ibid said...

No, I don't actually think this. I have male friends who go to NSA and they're far from being exactly what I described (as most of the UI males I actually know are far from being opportunist slimeballs). Hyperbole, for the sake of the arguement.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


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