"...there are a lot of sincere and true believers out there, trying to work out their faith with fear and trembling, who are regularly lambasted..."
Julie Neidlinger exposes a brand of Christianity that I do not care for.
Ugh. Blogs can be an ugly place.
Ugh. Blogs can be an ugly place.
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Why is this a brand of Christianity you oppose?
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Oh, I see how that was confusing. I was referring to the story Julie Neidlinger lays out in the link, not her quote here on my post. Does that make sense?
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Somewhat. I thought both appeared to ugly, and it was discouraging for me to see two professing Christians bickering in such a way.
I was unsure if that's what you meant.
Did you see? I turned out to be super-girl? (Oh my goodness!)
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Not only did both appear ugly, it seems, but we were both pompous asses. Tell it straight, TF. No smiley faces.
One man's bickering is another man's efforts at trying to work out their faith...well, you know. Like I wrote.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Julie's a big girl and she can stand up for herself.
But if a Christian cannot enjoy a wide range of theological disagrements without calling others heretics or childishly banning someone who disagrees with them from a blog--A BLOG!--then that is strictly a reflection on that person.
Julie is honest, and not perfect as she will readily admit, but she is not a tyrant.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Or an ass.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
What's both your point?
I made a smiley face at being super-girl.
The smiley face had nothing to do with this topic. Don't get confused Julie, I wasn't smiling at you.
In continuum, what's the point of calling another one a pompous ass, only to prove you yourself are being one?
Seems you both have an extremely large amount of pride and arrogance, neither of which are workings of the spirit but of the flesh.
My point exactly, your comments here. I did tell you what I thought on your own blog, I left a comment, I did tell it strait as I saw it.
And Girlfriday, what's worse, banning someone from a blog, or being hurt or frustrated at being banned. Yes...a BLOG.
Blog's are ridiculous wastes of time, I know, I have one.
I am not willing to waste time on this topic any longer.
I apologize if I offended, or seemed unwilling to tell it straight. I too am honest, and willing to stand by what I say. I said exactly what I meant to say and I won't hide behind anything or anyone.
I don't see how bickering is trying to work out ones faith, I see it more as a means to show off to others. More importantly, how does any of this line up with the image of Christ?
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Pompous ass.
I'm kidding, TF. I only know one out of three of you, so I really have no leg to stand on. But it appears you would all be guilty of "wasting time" on blogs, in your own words. And if one is wasting one's time as it is, why are their taboos on getting real with other Christians?
It would seem to me that by throwing YOUR hat in the ring, and calling a fellow Christian on her behavior, you've become "one of them." Julie chose to address a common attitude in Christianity that seems contradictory to the true spirit of Christ. Then you called Julie out on an attitude you think contradictory to the true spirit of Christ.
Christians shouldn't spend their time ripping on one another, but I hardly think that was the motivation here. We all ought to exhort, but we weren't instructed never to rebuke. This to me seems like a relatively innocuous exchange.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Lois! I knew you were Superman's wife for a reason!
I bow to your wisdom, and you proved my point better than I did.
Oh...and I am a pompous ass. And rude, and abrasive, and arrogant...and everything else evil and vile.
Glory be God that grace and mercy abound. We just need to look harder for those things in each other, I think. But first we must find it in ourselves, if Christ has put it there.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
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