Faith in Action
If you're a regular reader, you'll recognize the signature of a frequent commenter, GTB.
He is a favorite of ours, primarily because it is an honor to have such a distinguished writer and poet haunt this quiet little corner of the Internet (to say nothing of his jewel of a daughter that reads, too).
I know he would agree that Christianity is the hardest thing in the world. And the most blessed. She is at her loveliest when she is most Christian, most like Christ: discovered in the posture of loving service. Oh that God would grant such a heart to me.
Mr. B illustrates in his token manner.
He is a favorite of ours, primarily because it is an honor to have such a distinguished writer and poet haunt this quiet little corner of the Internet (to say nothing of his jewel of a daughter that reads, too).
I know he would agree that Christianity is the hardest thing in the world. And the most blessed. She is at her loveliest when she is most Christian, most like Christ: discovered in the posture of loving service. Oh that God would grant such a heart to me.
Mr. B illustrates in his token manner.
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