Mom, Dad, meet my fiancee, a 65-year old nutcase with a computer, a .22, pent up agression, and a thing for 15 year old girls
It has never been safe to meet people over the Internet so I will not introduce this post with "Just when you thought it was safe..."
Read this.
I had no idea this many people had been murdered by wired predatory freaks.
I know a lot of people have met, even married, people they met through this or that chat room or dating service. I also realize that making friends and lovers is always fraught with peril, but the web provides an unparalleled amount of anonymity. Don't be excessively fearful, but don't be a fool either.
Read this.
I had no idea this many people had been murdered by wired predatory freaks.
I know a lot of people have met, even married, people they met through this or that chat room or dating service. I also realize that making friends and lovers is always fraught with peril, but the web provides an unparalleled amount of anonymity. Don't be excessively fearful, but don't be a fool either.
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