Nothing makes you feel inept like...
...putting together a U.S. map with your 2-year-old nephew. I had the Northwest down pat, confidently secured Montana and was making my way down South. I guess I should have played Geo-Derby with my Dad and little sister more often, because I found myself matching up the soft, puzzle-like corners based way more on the hope they fit than "what state comes next."
I might add that once we got California and Arizona in place, the "little man" wanted to move right on to Texas. I told him that first we had to add New Mexico. He glanced around at the 30 or so remaining pieces and picked up a purple piece reading "New Mexico" (insert a joke by my husband about him going on to solve a physics problem). Nice, W ... very nice!
I might add that once we got California and Arizona in place, the "little man" wanted to move right on to Texas. I told him that first we had to add New Mexico. He glanced around at the 30 or so remaining pieces and picked up a purple piece reading "New Mexico" (insert a joke by my husband about him going on to solve a physics problem). Nice, W ... very nice!
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So what you're saying is, the two year old kid is kind of smart.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
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