Baby Fishmouth, Anyone?
I have no idea how this search on google: who was the of Lee Lip-Ex chapstick brought someone to girlfriday!
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Same job, different uniform.
I think it's a moo point :)
P.S. Are smilies OK in comments?
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Try randomly inserting sex-related words in your blog. I have written some things sex-related (though not sexy, much to these searchers' chagrin) and find that terms like "two women having sex" or "sara masturbating," etc, show up all the time.
You'll get an increase in traffic. Maybe not the kind you want, though...
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Interesting. Not sure why I'd want people finding this blog for those reasons.
Though my post on my friend who said she has a sex buddy brought a lot of riff raff here.
Lois: No. Frowns only.
Friday, February 03, 2006
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