Same job, different uniform.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Forget childhood obesity

We're starting them too late. Instead of couch potatoes, why not turn them into couch tater tots right away? Read all about it.

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Blogger Tracy said...

Good grief - the people in the entertainment industry truly have no shame. They are blinded by greed and not truly thinking about what is best for people. Sure, my kids like TV, movies, and computer games - but our philosophy is "everything in moderation". We limit the amount and monitor the content. And you know what - they LOVE to play outside, play board games, do crafts, etc. OH, this whole thing makes me mad - this is anti-healthy children!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We complain about our children watching too much TV, and yet what kind of an example do we make of ourselves?
It's actually scientifically proven brain function deteriorates watching television and playing video games.
Let's face it, our culture is fast becoming one where reality is defined as what appears to look good from television, movies, and the media. Take a look at the McDonald's playground the next time you're out. The only thing which could prevent television producers from contributing to unhealthy children is if we as Americans STOP them!
Unfortunately, that would require families to turn off their televisions, focusing on real life relationships rather than facadical performance.
The entertainment industry has no shame because they are NOT REQUIRED to have any! "They" are a billion dollar industry that isn't slowing down. Why? Because we keep "them" in business by contributing financially to their businesses.
It is sad, and it won't change until something changes. Us.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

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