girlfriday: is it getting cold in here?

Adjusting the thermostat to please 300 people must be difficult. Nestled in the far-corner of the building, my co-worker and I bear the weight of this effort.
You see, the air in the hallway informs the badly-designed AC unit that services our wing of the building. Unfortunately the air in the hallway has been manipulated by the air from nearby doors that lead outside. Since Boise has had temperatures in the triple digits, the AC unit believes it needs to keep running to maintain Baltic Sea-level temperatures.
Everyone in adjacent offices knows this. Their only logical remedy? To close their vents of course.
By the time the air reaches us--air that has been priority-shipped from Antarctica; air so cold my officemate has broken out in hives that she only gets in extreme temperatures--it is rushing through the vents at approximately 1 million cubic feet per unit.
Right now for instance (I am off the clock), my right hand is almost immobile.
Consequently we close our vents too and try to bear the angry whistle of the trapped air overhead. We open our windows to move the cold air outside and bring the warm air inside. We wait until the room heats up, our fingers have thawed out and the humidity is at 100%, and we open the vent again. We'll be closing it in a few minutes.
And so it goes. When winter comes, we open our windows, too.
The heat is unbearable.
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It's the same in Alabama. Too cold indoors in the summer and too hot in the winter.
I love sweaters, wool, fleece and flannel. But when my L.L. Bean catalog comes in the mail, I just sigh and toss it in the trash can.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Dude. What a waste of energy. I weep, for your fingers and the ozone layer.
Friday, July 14, 2006
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