Wanted: Kind Strangers
I know others have written about the phenomenon known as craigslist. I was a craiglist virgin until yesterday. I put a post up yesterday morning and was amazed by the response. As the post explains I am going to be traveling with almost four year old daugther and sweet and creamy three month old son (pictured above). We are staying at my parent's home in MN which is modestly equipped for grandchildren. Our stay there would be oh so more relaxing with few baby accoutrements. Almost within minutes someone had emailed me offering the use of an item and throughout the day I had a couple of more women offer their things. Last night someone even called my home and told me about a clothing closet in Minneapolis that was run by a church and gives clothing and baby items away to people who need them. Another woman had nine kids and was going to just give me her infant bathtub - she said she never used it. If I had nine kids I would probably just line them up, squirt some shower gel on them and apply liberal amounts of hose water. I digress. Rest easy girlfriday readers. Sweet and creamy will be living large at grammy's house because of the kindness of strangers. (Just in case my mom reads this, be it said that she always asks if I need anything and trys her darnedest to gather things.)
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That has got to be one of the coolest things I've heard in a long time! I wish it were me getting a visit from the famously sweet & creamy :)
Friday, September 21, 2007
Mmm, he is so sweet and creamy I could just eat him up.
(note: this blog does not condone cannibalism)
Friday, September 21, 2007
As the fairly recent grandma of a "first grandbaby" I have got to say that your little one is truly the cutest baby I have seen "other than" said grandbaby. WOW. and Yay Craigslist and those who inhabit it. My daughter swears by it.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
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