What's In Your Wallet?
I decide to clean them out put them back in my official satchel storage recepatacle, located underneath my bed. Here is what I find:
2 lipsticks (Mac- Viva Glam IV and Bath and Body Works, Crabapple)
1 tube of chapstick
2 tubes of lipgloss (Mac-Viva Glam V and VS- Sugar Cookie or something like that)
1 lip pencil (Mac - Plum)
1 coupon for aveda salon
2 used gift cards
2 unused gift cards
1 watch
1 comb
1 cell phone
1 card holder/wallet
1 wallet
1 empty mint tin
2 full mint tins
1 black ink pen
1 glitter wand
1 pencil
1 red ink pen
1 mini sharpie
1 pile of trash (mainly gum wrappers)
1 hair binder
1 barrette
1 extra strength tylenol
1 pair of earrings
1 half eaten roll of toffee
2 movie ticket stubbs (Little Miss Sunshine and Bourne Ultimatum)
3 tampons
1 set of keys
1 glasses case
Let's hope that what a woman carries in her purse isn't any sort of insight into her soul because my soul would say, "Hi, I'm a pile of crap. How are you?"
Labels: accessories, organization
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Oh my gosh, I just laughed so hard at that last line I went into a coughing fit, but it was totally worth it.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Glad I could give you joy, person whose name is shrowded in mystery. Return the favor and let me laugh at the contents of your handbag. (Smile)
Thursday, November 08, 2007
I have to give you kudos for finding a PAIR of earrings, instead of just one earring. Noteworthy!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
What's in your purse, Lois? Superman's underoos? :)
Thursday, November 08, 2007
You have two unused gift cards and makeup by Mac. I wouldn't call that a pile of crap.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
I took the bait.
Friday, November 09, 2007
wouldn't you like to know :)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
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