Imagine David Winning, It's Easy If You Try
I'm going to go out on a limb and say he will be in the top two.
TDH and I have re-watched this song being performed about five
times now and I just purchased it on itunes.
I didn't watch the season where Fantasia won, but I'm guessing the
same sort of tingly feelings occurred when watching her perform. Molly?
Labels: American Idol, Music
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Oh I am imagining it. Big time. In spite of his singing that awful song.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Ya, this song pretty much bites, but that's an awfully good rendition! He's very talented, so of course, American will vote him off as soon as possible.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
If he goes, I quit watching. Serious goosebumps. He definitely has "Fantasia potential" to completely dominate the competition.
I also like Michael Johns. Yes, he has a good voice, but mostly I love his dreaminess. If they were the top two, then it would be the first time since the Ruben (who's making his Idol comeback this season, can I get whoop, whoop?!) v. Clay finale, that my two faves make it to the top.
Let's keep our fingers crossed! And I'd better see Castro and those eyes of his in the top 5!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
What's so awful about "Imagine," gf?
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Umm...the words, Elph.
Although he left out what is arguably the worst verse of all, and coincidentally I enjoyed the song more than I expected to.
Friday, February 29, 2008
"Imagine there's no heaven..."
Mmmm, yes, what a perfectly lovely thought :)
Friday, February 29, 2008
My interpretation is that the song is about peace and since the majority of wars in history have been about religion, then if there were no heaven or hell we would eliminate the reason for the killing of millions of people.
Of course I believe there is a heaven and hell, but in the context of world peace and a song that has a very dream like quality, I think it works. Maybe John Lennon was writing it literally, but I am choosing to view it not so literally.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Good point, El. If you don't think of it literally, it's fine. But I'm pretty sure, nay positive, John Lennon wasn't writing it figuratively. I've just always (and this is an agreed upon "B family" opinion) felt the song is highly overrated.
Friday, February 29, 2008
However, it should be noted that all Beatles-related opinions have been largely influenced by our mother, who thought that the band should have consisted of Paul, Paul, Paul.....and Paul.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Elphaba, I see we disagree. But it's interesting, because I think the song SOUNDS lovely.
But here we have a songwriter yearning for a better world; one without greed, one without pain, even without possesions.
Where does one find such a place?
I know the answer that instinctively comes to *my* mind, but his answer is: here. Here, without any reason why it should be possible or how. No, I take that back. He indirectly suggests a how, and that suggestion is so far contrary to every good impulse, I'm left despising the song and without any feeling of respect or admiration for the person.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Due to previously discussed differences of opionions in the field of entertainment(ie: Titantic) I'm beginning to wonder if B family criteria for not liking something is if most other people do. Hmmmm. Something to ponder.
Monday, March 03, 2008
You wouldn't be the first to have that thought, El, that's all I'm saying.
Monday, March 03, 2008
...however, we like to think of ourselves as the little boy in The Emperor's New Clothes.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
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