Maybe you might have some advice to give on how to be insensitive.
Dating is not a topic that gets a lot of coverage here on good ol' gf. Seeing as I am the last remaining single [read: smart] girl on this blog, I've decided the burden lands squarely on my shoulders. Sure, we've mocked our Christian Singles Ad, or two, but we've never just delved into dating, and all of its horrific nature. I have especially avoided the subject, and my reasons for this are three-fold:
1) I'm fiercely private about my personal life, a fact my family abhors and I am trying remedy. Baby steps, people, baby steps.
2) Well, as girlfriday pointed out, I'm jaded. While the other femmes on this blog might wax romantic about their hubbies, or complain about the little quirks they each have that get under their skin; Me, I wish I wrote the words quoted in this post's title.
3) I'm not looking for Mr. Right. I have no interest in settling down before I'm 30, or before I garaduate from college, we'll see which comes first. So inevitably I've dated a lot of Mr. Wrongs, and frankly I'm just not always interested in sharing about those travails.
Sometimes, however, I am.
The other day I wrote this post that was this story about how boys are stupid, one boy to be specific. But I erased the post before it had even been up an hour. As far as I know, only Elphaba's eyes were lucky enough to view it. I didn't mind sharing the story with those I know who read and contribute to this blog. But putting something personal on an open forum like a blog is always risky. I should know. I got burned once stumbling upon something online that I wasn't supposed to that was written about me. Even though the words I erased from here last week weren't particularly hurtful, they just weren't words I would say to this guy face-to-face. So I decided this wasn't the place to share the story.
I will share, however, that I'm currently single. Yep, you heard it here first, folks. Totally back on the market and soon to be traipsing in and out of bars, my best friend at my side (Words to warm any mother's heart). We just need to get over whatever bug we've caught this week.
Cue "Man-Eater."
1) I'm fiercely private about my personal life, a fact my family abhors and I am trying remedy. Baby steps, people, baby steps.
2) Well, as girlfriday pointed out, I'm jaded. While the other femmes on this blog might wax romantic about their hubbies, or complain about the little quirks they each have that get under their skin; Me, I wish I wrote the words quoted in this post's title.
3) I'm not looking for Mr. Right. I have no interest in settling down before I'm 30, or before I garaduate from college, we'll see which comes first. So inevitably I've dated a lot of Mr. Wrongs, and frankly I'm just not always interested in sharing about those travails.
Sometimes, however, I am.
The other day I wrote this post that was this story about how boys are stupid, one boy to be specific. But I erased the post before it had even been up an hour. As far as I know, only Elphaba's eyes were lucky enough to view it. I didn't mind sharing the story with those I know who read and contribute to this blog. But putting something personal on an open forum like a blog is always risky. I should know. I got burned once stumbling upon something online that I wasn't supposed to that was written about me. Even though the words I erased from here last week weren't particularly hurtful, they just weren't words I would say to this guy face-to-face. So I decided this wasn't the place to share the story.
I will share, however, that I'm currently single. Yep, you heard it here first, folks. Totally back on the market and soon to be traipsing in and out of bars, my best friend at my side (Words to warm any mother's heart). We just need to get over whatever bug we've caught this week.
Cue "Man-Eater."
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This is supposed to comfort us? We didn't know you WEREN'T single. Or am I the only stupid one on this blog?
Bring on the posts. The world is ready.
And dude, get some perspective. I'm 31. And I've been married for a year.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Perspective/Perschmective. Did you miss the point of my post? And I wasn't in a relationship or anything, but I was seeing someone, which you found out about at Christmas! Pshaw!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
I also am a secretive sister in this clan, but only about the nitty-gritty. If I could've announced with a megaphone that I was dating someone -- period, I would have. So this is part of the reason Molly McGee is a mystery to me. But I only have a couple best friends, and Molly being one of them, it feels odd not be in the know :( But I will plod along with your baby steps!
P.S. So you are "smart" to be single, but dating is horrific? Let's rethink your IQ estimates here :)
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Did I miss the point of your post? Maybe. But I was only singling out that snide remark that you're the last single (read: smart) person on this blog.
Like we are a bunch of young chickens who got married at 16 to the first guy we met.
And NO, I didn't know you were "seeing" DumbAss (that's what I'm going to call him. Deal with it). I thought you were just texting. So there.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Hahaha, okay, yeah that "read:smart" was totally just to get a rise out of y'all, so I'm glad it worked.
It's true, none of you were sitting at home waiting for return missionaries to come and sweep you of your feet.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Well I was 29 (barely) when I started dating my husband. And just over 33 when I married him. And you can say you don't want to be married until you're 30, but that's just protective armour. If you meet someone tomorrow who is everything you need and want and you date him for a year or so - why WOULD you wait. Life doesn't happen on the schedule you make out for it. You can try that, but you'll probably miss stuff.
As for "fiercely protective" about your private life, again, why? I could be wrong, but I doubt you are going through anything that everyone else hasn't experienced.
Dating is not for the faint of heart. I tried hiding from it for a long time. In the end it worked out because I lucked out and married a great man (I think you know him). But I missed out on some human experiences that I wish I had not run from.
You have to put yourself out there - in front of God and everybody - and fall on your face a couple times. And get embarrassed. And get a broken heart. (I'm sorry if that happened to you here.) And break a heart too. It builds character. :]
Thursday, February 21, 2008
That was beautiful, JEB!
Even though putting yourself out there is hard, I'm still glad I'm finally starting to do it!
And you're totally right about the whole "if I met a guy who was perfect for me" thing, but let's return to the whole "baby steps" concept. I'm still warming up to the idea of being in a committed relationship, then marriage gets thrown into the mix, whooooooooaaaaa, slow down buddy! But as your comment pointed out, I could meet Mr. Right and still date him for a four years before I marry him . . . And that puts me close to 30!
Maybe a better way of expressing my sentiments would be by saying that I'm glad I'm still single, even if dating sucks, I'm glad that I haven't settled. (And that's not implying that any of y'all have, so no one take it that way!)
and considering I got phone call yesterday from a guy whom I haven't spoken to since July, I'd say yeah, I've probably broken a heart or two :)
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Now, if SATC taught us anything it's that you need your girls. Could Carrie have made it through the Berger breakup if she had put that post it into her emotional nap sack of suppression? Would Charlotte have made it through infertility without her posse there to help support her??
Don't think this is some cheap ploy to get you to tell me all your stuff.
Tell D. Maybe you already do. But also, tell others who you value their support and maybe an opinion or two.
Possibly you don't want other opinions. That's something else entirely.
I think I'm pretty rational and stable, but if I don't bounce some of the crap that goes on in my head with other people I can really end up on a destructive path of thinking.
Finally, watch About A Boy again.
You need people on the inside.
And if all the stuff I just said makes you mad and you don't like it, then forget it all and just remember that I care about you deeply and I'm so happy for your baby steppin' bad self.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
By the way - I'm glad you liked my advice. Now here's some more. Since you are single again, why don't you step your bad self on over to where they tape FNL and get in on a little Riggins action. He's single. And not really 17. :}
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Perfect, JEB, perfect!!! I like that quote a lot better now that I'm not seeing him.
Especially perfect because I've actually dated two E's!!!!
No, your comments don't offend me, Elph! (I think I'm gonna start calling you that) I'm sure "D" wouldn't complain if she weren't the only getting earfuls, so . . . Yeah, baby steps. . .
Thursday, February 21, 2008
And I love your Riggins idea, JEB!!!! I'm dropping out of school and will begin stalking him immediately!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
I posted some thoughts inspired by this discussion over at SDP.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Since I couldn't find a place to comment on that article, I'm leaving my comment here:
Jon, love is a verb.
(You probably won't get that reference, which means gf still has work to do getting you caught up on 90's pop Christian music, because, you know, it's so relevant)
Friday, February 22, 2008
I have checked my collection of 1890s Christian music and have not found this reference.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Check again. I believe the composer's last name is Talk. D.C. Talk, I believe.
Friday, February 22, 2008
What a smart alec he is.
Nice references elphaba. How about Buffy and the Gang? When Cordilia wishes them all "into Bizarrro-Land," Willow and Xander are mega evil vamps and Buffy dies at the hand of The Master because "she doesn't play well with others," and didn't have anyone to help or protect her.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Okay...okay wait a minute! I thought meeting guys at a bar was a bad thing?
I can't say anything about keeping my personal life private. It seems I spill my guts on my blog, which I'm sure isn't very interesting to anyone in particular.
I think getting married after you're 30 is a smart thing. Coming from someone who married the wrong guy at 18, I would give anything to be where you're at. Meaning if I could do it again, I would...
BUT! God gave me this excellent guy who happened to walk into my life when I least expected it. Happy hunting...and...take out a few! :)
Friday, February 22, 2008
gf: morbid much?
I can't say that meeting guys at bars has been a particularly positive experience for me, but ultimately neither has meeting them at parties, school, in my apartment complex or just dating friends. So I'm keeping an open mind and not ruling out any venue in particular :)
Friday, February 22, 2008
What is it Rachel Lynde says to Anne...The choosy ones get left?
Sunday, February 24, 2008
We all know what happened when I met someone at a certain church.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
That's why I steer clear of church boys, gf. (insert smiley face)
Maybe I need to follow your suit and start attending mass...
Friday, February 29, 2008
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