Don't delude yourselves . . .
Lest we mothers forget that our children view us as little more than waitstaff, I give you a scene from moments ago in my house:
Me: [Placing a plate of cheese, crackers, sliced ham and carrots before my child.] "Here's your lunch, Wyatt."
Wyatt: [Pointing at the carrots.] "Hey, Mom, I didn't order these!"
Me: [Placing a plate of cheese, crackers, sliced ham and carrots before my child.] "Here's your lunch, Wyatt."
Wyatt: [Pointing at the carrots.] "Hey, Mom, I didn't order these!"
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Well, it's probably just a phase and you don't need to worry -- unless he sends his chicken back...
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
It's not a phase, we're ungrateful punks for life. Exhibit A: me.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
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