Is it just me...
Or is this picture way creepier than Miley's topless back?
p.s. We get it, Miss Cyrus, you're not pregnant. Pull your shirt down - that's your dad for crying out loud!

p.s. We get it, Miss Cyrus, you're not pregnant. Pull your shirt down - that's your dad for crying out loud!
Labels: Hannah Montana
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WAY creepier.
And, oh yeah, you're sixteen. Sixteen. SIXTEEN. Keep repeating it until it sinks in.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
No....FIFTEEN! 15!
Sunday, May 04, 2008
But how are the kids going to handle it? Let's consult an expert to find out how they can process through this situation.
Or maybe parents can go ahead and NOT SHOW THE PICTURES TO THIER KIDS!! Novel idea. I'm an expert.
The picture is not that creepy.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
f she just didn't have her belly showing. I mean, doesn't every respectable teenager know that you don't reveal your midriff while your parents are around? You wait to do all inappropriate things until after they leave. Seriously, what is happening to today's youth?
Sunday, May 04, 2008
It's creepy. The whole photo spread is creepy. What I don't understand is that people are surprised that we have a problem with pedophelia in this country. Hmmm.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
It's the sideburns, you know. Think about it -- most certainly the sideburns that tip it over the edge.
Monday, May 05, 2008
This picture doesn't bug me much -- sorry. I think they look comfy and close, not different from the way we were with our Dad. But I agree it would look that much better if she pulled her shirt down.
Monday, May 05, 2008
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