Same job, different uniform.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Good News / Bad News named Boise #4 out of Ten Best Cities to Live, Work and Play.

Even though, as my sister pointed out today over the phone, this kind of press might encourage people to move here (progress is usually better than regress, though!), it's good to rack up these kudos.

One of the things that I found especially encouraging:

Employers know they'll find a high proportion of college graduates here (37%, compared with the national average of 27%) and that new hires will find plenty of affordable housing.
What I can't figure out is where they got this:

The average work commute is 18 minutes.

The video above is the so-called walking tour of Boise, but native Boiseans will get a laugh. Their reporter apparently covered a five-mile radius: downtown and the North End Boise area. She even points to a couple of homes in the North End to give you an idea of "Boise home prices!" Um, if you are looking at homes in the North End to help you determine home prices as a gauge to making a decision about relocating, you should know those are generally the most expensive houses per square foot in the whole city.

What about the arts? What about philanthropy? How about the university or the greenbelt or the Boise Bench?

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Blogger JEB said...

I thought most of the comments about downtown Boise were fine - liked the mention of the Basque influence in Idaho, but I'm not a big fan of Berryhill & Co. Maybe I just need to go back for another meal. I just wasn't overly impressed the first time. Also, no mention of BSU? Or did I just not get the whole video. Finally, I would think that one of the biggest draws to Boise would be it's location near so much of the great outdoors - skiing, hiking, biking, fishing, canoeing. That was the big draw to me - though sometimes you'd never know it based on how much I actually do these things!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Blogger Lois E. Lane said...

No doubt the Boise Weekly staff (and even some readers) will love the tour, since they already think they're the only people in the Treasure Valley.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Blogger "Molly McGee" said...

Half the time she says Boi-SEE and the other half she says Boi-ZEE.

That's all.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Blogger "Molly McGee" said...

oh...AND this list has Houston on it, so it's obviously not credible at all.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


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