Same job, different uniform.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

So it's Saturday Night

And today mom and I did a bunch of walking. The baby dropped and I have been having contractions off and on. It is amazing how, at this point, you're saying "Bring on the pain" because it's been nine long months of vomit, indigestion, heartburn, joint pain and anticipation.

Women I trust suggest that nine months of pregnancy is God's way of preparing us for the trial of child birth.

Sorry, there won't be any pictures.

Since I've been having contractions off and on this evening, I felt the need to tie up all those loose ends. Valentine's Day Dinner tickets for the Newman Center. Press releases and event calenders are working. Downloading Skype for my family's sake. Updating Facebook.

I'm telling the baby not to worry, to hang in there. There's only one way out of this!!!

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Blogger elphaba said...

godspeed, GF!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no. There is nothing to prepare you for child birth! You go girl! How exciting!

Saturday, January 31, 2009


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