Same job, different uniform.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Be Mine.

I miss my mom on Valentine's Day.

She was one of those mothers who gave her daughters valentines. There is something unpseakably precious to me about this. My mother's mother must have given her valentines, and that magic, unlike the woman, was never lost to her.

And so it is not lost to me.

I carry those simple or elegant or candy-flavored love tokens in my heart and bring them out for a good airing every February 14.

If God gives me a sassy, affectionate, hazel-eyed girl or two, I'll blow the same loving fairy dust on them and tell them about the valentines I used to open from the amazing woman they call Nana.

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Blogger Everyday Anne said...

Yes. I decided that I want to rally against all of the cynics out there and begin a V-day tradition of giving/sending Valentines. I want to make it special for the kids I have someday. Nothing wrong with setting aside a day to celebrate love!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Blogger Lois E. Lane said...

Gulp. Beautiful post! I have not been in the blogosphere for months and months. This post reminded me what I've been missing :)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Blogger elphaba said...

Good one, GF!!
I miss my dad. I remember one V-day he made all of us girls a fancy breakfast. He set the table, had cards and chocolates at our place settings and had hot cocoa with whipped cream.
I think in our moments of parental doubt, we can know that our kids will have these kind of fond memories and that we remember to be intentional about creating those moments.
I love and miss blogging, too, Lois!!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


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