Same job, different uniform.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Awards Show Season is Upon Us

And today the Golden Globe nominations were announced.

I know the Acadamy Awards are the epitome of all award shows, but I personally enjoy watching the Golden Globes more because they combine the best of both worlds - movies and television. Unless it's a boring year where there are no upsets, it is usually a very entertaining show to watch, with the exception of the ever boring presentation of Cecil B. Demille lifetime achievement award (however this year it's Anthony Hopkins, which should be better than most, especially the recent tribute to Barbara Streisand . . . vomit).

So even though the show's a lot of fun to watch - at least it is for me - it's hard to take it seriously, because they separate major awards into drama and musical or comedy. Which usually means they're stretching to find nominees to fill both categories. Case in point: Two actresses nominated are Michelle Williams, formerly of "Dawson's Creek," and Kiera Knightley. Oh, and Sarah Jessica Parker for "The Family Stone," a movie that looks funny, but is surely not awards show material.

And "Pride and Prejudice" got nominated for best comedy or musical. Are you freakin' kidding me??? Without even seeing the movie, I can tell you this is a joke.

Okay, enough of my ranting, for now. But the season is just beginning, so expect many future rants!

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Blogger girlfriday said...

The Superbowl of the B-Women!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Blogger girlfriday said...

Is it time to place our bets?

Good Night and Good Luck for Best Drama. They MIGHT give it to Brokeback, but if they do, they won't give individual nods to the actors.

I smell more props for Charlize and North Country. Maria Bello has no chance anyway.

Walk the Line is a no brainer for "Comedy or Musical," and yeah, they were grasping at straws by throwing P & P into that category.

And I see my buddy Tony is finally getting his dues.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Blogger girlfriday said...

I predict you're wrong. It won't sweep anything. Win a few, but not sweep. And don't worry, there's no way Mr. Ledger will be winning an Oscar anytime soon.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Blogger girlfriday said...

Speaking of movies about gay men, it was like a scene from one of those tonight at the party of an unnamed person. Two gay gentlemen, acquaintances, and I were talking and I quickly moved the convesation to something benign: King Kong. Neither expressed real interest in seeing it, so I pressed: What movie ARE you going to see? Without hesitation:

Brokeback Mountain.

Friday, December 16, 2005


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