I have been instructed to discover the kernel of truth in everything, even when every instinct is against it.
The kernel of truth is buried in the mire of Planned Parenthood but it must be this: not every Planned Parenthood employee is as entrenched in the culture of death as Planned Parenthood may hope.
That's it.
I had forgotten how, when I consider I live in a free country that shook the bonds of religious and political tyranny, defeated slavery, and poured its blood out for our European brothers--but legalizes infanticide, my blood boils. After a stirring speech by one of those nutty pro-life activists, I was reminded.
I direct you to Planned Parenthood's Christmas Card, spreading cheer and peace everywhere it's mailed.
"Choice on Earth." And death to Her weakest.
The kernel of truth is buried in the mire of Planned Parenthood but it must be this: not every Planned Parenthood employee is as entrenched in the culture of death as Planned Parenthood may hope.
That's it.
I had forgotten how, when I consider I live in a free country that shook the bonds of religious and political tyranny, defeated slavery, and poured its blood out for our European brothers--but legalizes infanticide, my blood boils. After a stirring speech by one of those nutty pro-life activists, I was reminded.
I direct you to Planned Parenthood's Christmas Card, spreading cheer and peace everywhere it's mailed.
"Choice on Earth." And death to Her weakest.
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Awe. Some.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
What blows my mind is the on that link, you can select the phrase "Peace Hope Justice" for your card as well. Justice? Really? My first reaction was, "someone did you wrong so you can seek justice ... by punishing the only innocent party." Crazy.
Monday, December 12, 2005
amen sister
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
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