Same job, different uniform.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Excerpts from a "To Do" list:

Lest we lose perspective on our nation's place in the world or become overwhelmed with our day to day lives . . . .

These are a few things I have on my list of things to accomplish in the early part of January, 2006:
- Pick up dry cleaning
- Drop off shoes for repair
- Organize photos
- Paint downstairs bath
- Organize files

These are a few things that John Adams had on his list of things to accomplish in the early part of Janaray,1776:

- Powder mills to be built in every colony
- Prevent the exportations of silver and gold
- Government to be approved in every colony
- An alliance to be formed with France
- Declaration of Independency

(The above is from a small notebook kept by second U.S. President John Adams and now owned by the Massachusetts Historical Society.)

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Blogger girlfriday said...

Perspective is so hard to achieve when it is yourself you're concerned with. I don't know how we venture beyond the limitations of our circumstances. But at least we can laugh about our task list!

Thursday, January 12, 2006


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