Some thoughts . . . maybe not coherent ones
It's taken me awhile to post on this, because frankly, I'm still slightly in shock.
Did "Crash" really beat "Brokeback Moutain"???
Apparantly I shouldn't be that surprised. On Monday I was watcing replays of the "Live from the Red Carpet" on E!, and Ryan Seacrest sure seemed to know it would win.
I'd heard the rumors of an upset, which intrigued me. Even right up until Jack Nicholson read the victor's name, I thought I'd be okay with the two movies splitting the highest honors, as they are both excellent films, and the most important thing was Ang Lee winning for best director. But when he said "Crash," I knew it was wrong.
So the "gay cowboy" movie doesn't win, even though it's the better of the two, and probably because too many voters just flat out refused to see it. Could it be that maybe Hollywood isn't quite as progressive as they'd like us to think?
Don't even get me started on George Clooney.
P.S. Jon Stewart rules!
Did "Crash" really beat "Brokeback Moutain"???
Apparantly I shouldn't be that surprised. On Monday I was watcing replays of the "Live from the Red Carpet" on E!, and Ryan Seacrest sure seemed to know it would win.
I'd heard the rumors of an upset, which intrigued me. Even right up until Jack Nicholson read the victor's name, I thought I'd be okay with the two movies splitting the highest honors, as they are both excellent films, and the most important thing was Ang Lee winning for best director. But when he said "Crash," I knew it was wrong.
So the "gay cowboy" movie doesn't win, even though it's the better of the two, and probably because too many voters just flat out refused to see it. Could it be that maybe Hollywood isn't quite as progressive as they'd like us to think?
Don't even get me started on George Clooney.
P.S. Jon Stewart rules!
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Sorry, Sis. You and I will have to part ways on this one.
William Hurt won the Best Actor award for his role as a flamboyant homosexual in Kiss of the Spider Woman at the end of the Reagan Administration (1986). Granted, this is not as weighty as a Best Pic nod, but it's not nothing.
Was it because it was about cowboys? Still seems unlikely, given that is was set in the "repressive" 1960s. Think The Hours and Far From Heaven for a few recent examples.
I'm not saying I'm not shocked either. But I'm not convinced it's because Hollywood still has so. far. to. go. before it reaches enlightenment.
Friday, March 10, 2006
What about Philadelphia? Didn't that win a ton of awards also?
Isn't there enough sexual immorality anyway?
Sometimes it's overwhelming the amount of idolatrous indencencies embraced by the public.
I really have to say I'm not sure how I feel about this film, or our culture as a whole.
I do have to say I appreciate your blog, and the many different views expressed in it.
If I have to side one way, I'd have to say I agree with girlfriday. (aka dlg)
Friday, March 10, 2006
Philadelphia was not about a gay man with AIDS. It was about a somewhat shady lawyer who takes on a client with an assortment of difficulties, those being that he was A) gay, B) had AIDS and C) got fired because of A & B. It is a pretty standard Hollywood movie with a non standard "victim."
Friday, March 10, 2006
Did it not win awards?
Did the movie Philadelphia try to influence people’s prejudices concerning homosexuals?
The non standard victim happened to be homosexual and have AIDS because of his sexual preference.
The last post concerning this topic (brokeback mountain)was a very well written piece about understanding the human condition, which is in part what Philadelphia tried to accomplish using a "non standard" victim.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
I thought "Crash" won because it seemed that almost everyone in Hollywood was in the movie, so they voted for the movie that they were in.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Ha! Good point.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
travelin' fool is right about the message in "Philidelphia" ...otherwise what would be the purpose of all the emotional wrenching? And I share bubblehead's theory on Crash's win -- so many stars and their dogs were in it, and all their connections voted for it too. Plus, it was an exceptional film :)
Monday, March 13, 2006
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