"Why doesn't anyone post on your blog? You'll lose both of your readers."
So one of our two readers said to me on the phone.
When my time, interest or creativity fail, I refer you to the timely, interesting and creative. Today it is Julie Neidlinger, who has developed a series of "Dose of Reality" graduation slogans.
My favorite is Every class needs a student like you...who makes the upper 50 percent possible.
Read them all here.
When my time, interest or creativity fail, I refer you to the timely, interesting and creative. Today it is Julie Neidlinger, who has developed a series of "Dose of Reality" graduation slogans.
My favorite is Every class needs a student like you...who makes the upper 50 percent possible.
Read them all here.
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Did this person mean "post" or "comment"? I know I haven't been contributing much, but that's usually because you do such a bang-up job that I rarely feel I have anything to add.
Girlfriday, you have many readers/fans, and your blog is one of the few worth checking every day .. period.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Who needs Superman? Lois Lane to the rescue!
Monday, April 10, 2006
I'm working on starting a Lone Prairie "fan club" with free downloadable materials.
You can imagine how sarcastic those materials are going to be. But my two readers are going to love it.
Monday, April 10, 2006
2 readers... so who is the other one?
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Man, the pressure (self-imposed or otherwise) to produce mind-blowing coolness on these things is sort of irritating. I mean, we have lives outside the confines of the world wide web. pay no attention to those who would bully you into tying yourself more often to the computer screen.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
(i.e. Same as above, what ibid said.)
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
You're right. He's a real jerk.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
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