Contributors Wanted

It is a guilt-free pastime. No calories, no cancer-forming tendencies, no sin.
My interest in it grew slowly, starting in childhood but entirely skipping my high school years, which were a tribute to red sweats and t-shirts. It reappeared in my early twenties and has steadily grown.
I aimed to feed the passion by creating Eye Candy, which is both a blog and a fashion group. We've only met once, but it was fun. We trade clothes, advice and fashion magazines while indulging in expensive wine and cheese.
Interested? I haven't been able to maintain that blog, but I'd like to.
Consider this a casting call. Except everyone is admitted.
If you are...
--interested in fashion
--willing to share your ideas, express your opinion on fashion trends and share your shopping secrets
--able to find time to blog are in! If you're really not interested in fashion, believe me, Eye Candy is not for you.
Let me know if you'd like to be a contributing writer to Eye Candy and I'll add you immediately. As a contributor, you'll also have a say about the look and feel of the site, as well as the links we provide.
Email me or ask questions below.
UPDATE: You do not have to live in the area or attend the meetings. We're only looking for fashion writers.
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Funny, I don't remember the red sweats and T's. I do remember a few young ladies feeling God's call to long skirts though.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Oh, yes, I remember those days too! When Julie Neidlinger at Lone Prairie was having her skirts discussion, I brought that up.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
I get Harper's Bazaar and secretly read it cover to cover.
I like high-heeled shoes.
But I can't dress myself well at all.
Do I qualify?
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
If I qualify, you can definitely qualify :)
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
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