Same job, different uniform.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Once Again, Americans Get it Wrong

I am counting on Blake to win.

This will be the second year in a row that a moderately talented guy who excels at making love to the camera, but little else, wins the title.

Foolish me. I thought it was a talent search.

Then I remember that Idol's voting population is dominated by teenagers and college students.

But who votes for Taylor and not for Melinda?

And how could that terrible "I (Who Have Nothing) have won the day over Melinda's "I'm a Woman?"

If you'll vote for a gray-haired poseur like Hicks and not Melinda Doolittle then...I guess you're an Idol viewer. And I don't understand you.

Great article at MTV. "Sometimes being the best isn't even good enough." But if you're going to be clicking away from here to read something, see the Professor's comments here.

Postscript: "Blake is so risk-taking. Blake is so original. Blake is so fearless."

If that's true, Blake should try ditching his signature beatbox, select a song with a strong melody, and sing it deliberately and with conviction; like he knows the words and they mean something. Otherwise he's a one-trick pony and the trick is tiresome.


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Blogger Lois E. Lane said...

This is why I won't watch "American Idol" anymore.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So jaded and bitter you Idohians/South Dakotans are....I didn't give up on idol when Elliot didn't win last year. Nor did I stop watching this season when Sanjiya wore out his welcome.
You can't deny that Blake has talent.....
Is it so hard to accept that being a star can mean more than pure raw talent? What is talent, really?

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Blogger girlfriday said...

Who are Idohians?

I know you're right. In fact we've talked about this. There's no doubt Blake has his appeal. I don't think there's anything timeless in it, but I can't deny it's there.

Who's your fav?

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Blogger "Molly McGee" said...

I can't believe you're comparing Blake to Taylor freakin' Hicks. I should withdraw my membership from this site.

Besides, it's such better eye candy when Blake's making love to the camera.

And enough with the "one trick pony" swipes. The kid can sing.

Monday, May 21, 2007


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