girlfriday abroad: the people
Martin and Lorna in the doorway of the Manse
Lorna the Magnificent
Morag, Annie's sister, and me in her home outside Glasgow
Lewis and Jonny
Lewis and Me
The Professor and Alistair hill-walking in the Highlands
Ann and me in the kitchen
Mark and Gayle in the Manse kitchen
Sweet-natured Hannah
The Remarkable Rachel
Gayle, Hannah and me in a rainy seaside town
Gus, Bill, Stewart, Nita and Me
Bridgit and me in the Towner of London
Below: The guy who looks like David Bamber, the actor who played Mr. Collins in Pride & Prejudice. Don't say he doesn't.
Below: The guy who looks like David Bamber, the actor who played Mr. Collins in Pride & Prejudice. Don't say he doesn't.
My enchanting and glamorous cousin Bridgit
Her fun-loving Significant Other Rhys
Jon and Rhys Bill and Jon in the Morgan
Lovable, Hospitable Ann
A glamour shot of Nita
The Face of a Woman with a sweet disposition
Matt and Mel on the Capitol Mall
Eli and Julia
The Indefatigable Melanie Julia and Admirer
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Great photots! Memories are good. Making memories better!
Friday, June 29, 2007
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