Filed Under: I Wish
You are Elizabeth Bennet of Pride & Prejudice. You are intelligent, witty, and tremendously attractive. You have a good head on your shoulders, and oftentimes find yourself the lone beacon of reason in a sea of silliness. You take great pleasure in many things. You are proficient in nearly all of them, though you will never own it. Lest you seem too perfect, you have a tendency toward prejudgement that serves you very ill indeed.

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I am Elinor Dashwood from Sense & Sensibility. Or some of you might know her as Emma Thompson.
I am practical, circumspect, and discreet. Though I am tremendously sensible and allow my head to rule, I have a deep, emotional side that few people often see.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
When I did it I got Kate Winslet from S & S and she's one of my least favorite Jane Austen heroines ever so I need to re-take it.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Texas, I also got Mariann Dashwood when I took the quiz, though I think that's pretty accurate given my impulsiveness. It could be worse -- you could be Lydia Bennett!
Monday, May 21, 2007
It's too bad Mr. Collins isn't a heroine....I think I'd be him for sure.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Happy thought indeed.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
I was also Elizabeth B. Which, actually, is funny, since I am currently dating someone who once was my enemy (whose head I was going to crush due to his supposed arrogance).
Monday, June 11, 2007
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