Same job, different uniform.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Iowa Caucus Tonight, and I'm Just Curious...

Who are our readers hoping to see emerge as frontrunners?

I just saw Guiliani's campaign ad and WOW.

What happened to Fred Thompson? Talk about sound and fury signifying nothing.


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Blogger Fr. Andrew said...

Do you remember the Richard Pryor movie "Brewster's Millions" from the 1908's?

I emphatically cast my vote for "None of the Above." Send them all back, try again, return to sender. I think that sums up my feelings.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Blogger girlfriday said...

From the 1908s? That must be his early stuff.

I know, I know, none of them are Ronald Reagan, but one of them's gotta win, so man the best man do it! Or something like that.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Blogger "Molly McGee" said...

Agreed. I want the best man (or woman) to win for both parties. I want this to be an election where people are inspired to go out and vote because they like a candidate not because they hate his or her opponent.

And I want Ashton Kutcher to jump onto our tv screens and tell us we've all been punk'd and that John Edwards is not in fact in second place for a presidential nomination.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Blogger Lois E. Lane said...

I predicted correctly, as did a lot of people (so I'm not super-smart or anything). Am I the only one who couldn't find info on how Gulliani did last night?

Friday, January 04, 2008

Blogger Fr. Andrew said...

Well, if you go to the "Brewster's Millions" Wiki page, you'll find that it was originally a novel from 1902, so I wasn't that far off in my typo.

And, no, the 80's wasn't a plea for the resurrection of Ronald Regan, but an expression of my displeasure that no candidate matches my Demuplican, or are they Repocrat, principles.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Blogger girlfriday said...

I know. But it was my plea. Ronnie, come back!

Friday, January 04, 2008

Blogger Lois E. Lane said...

fr. andrew doesn't honestly think there are enough "demuplicans" and "repocrats" running around? I was just wondering whether there was another kind of candidate than that to be had!

Friday, January 04, 2008

Blogger JEB said...

1.) I'm not sure there was ever much "sound and fury" for Fred - perhaps except from ME. Alas, even I was quickly disillusioned because he seems to have little energy or inspiration.

1a.) However, Fred did as well as McCain last night and no one is discounting McCain . . .

2.) Seriously, GF with the Ronald Reagan nostalgia. We all loved him. He was great. Let's move on! Do I need to bust out, "remember his second term?"

Saturday, January 05, 2008


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