It's Drudge's world, we're just living in it.
If you read this post yesterday, you know what I said about the atrocity that Matt Drudge committed this week. And you also know that I'm a Drudgeaholic, but I'm making myself go cold turkey and not read it anymore.
Instead of talking about it even more, I'm just going to link to a campaign to "Drop Drudge." (hat tip: girlfriday).
Read the story, then Digg it.
I know gf likes to mock those of us who don't know what it means to "Digg" something, but it's actually quite simple.
Go the site, sign up (using your blogger name is a good way to do it) then "Digg" stories by linking to them.
Let's do what we can to make him not be considered "the most powerful journalist in the world." (Yep, the UK Telegraph printed a story yesterday stating that he is.)
Instead of talking about it even more, I'm just going to link to a campaign to "Drop Drudge." (hat tip: girlfriday).
Read the story, then Digg it.
I know gf likes to mock those of us who don't know what it means to "Digg" something, but it's actually quite simple.
Go the site, sign up (using your blogger name is a good way to do it) then "Digg" stories by linking to them.
Let's do what we can to make him not be considered "the most powerful journalist in the world." (Yep, the UK Telegraph printed a story yesterday stating that he is.)
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WHAT. are you serious? I hadn't heard this. Why hadn't I heard this? Why am I so out of touch? Who cares? Matt Drudge is my new public enemy. I can't believe this. I really can't believe this.
Friday, February 29, 2008
And even forgetting the danger he put Harry in -- what about the danger he put his regimen in? The prince is known as a "bullet magnet" (that's a direct quote) out there as it is. For this, Drudge should be publicly mocked and humiliated just as Geraldo was when he revealed key information about troop location in Iraq. Bad form -- and also bad form for every freakin' media outlet to repeat the story!
Friday, February 29, 2008
He's what Jon Stewart calls a 'Douche Bag of Freedom'... just like whatshisname and the Wilson CIA story.
Freedom of the press has it's responsibilities.
Friday, February 29, 2008
I don't read Drudge. Whereas before I thought he was just a hack, now I wonder if he isn't a fool.
Friday, February 29, 2008
LOL. What's funny is this is the same post, so our comments are all over the map.
Nice one though Mz. McGee.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Harry put himself in danger. Oh wait, it's the enemy NOT DRUDGE that did it. Lame.
CNN, AP, BBC, make deal to not cover a story so they can get access; and all you can get upset about is Drudge? Does it not bother you that these same org routinely leak legitimate secrets all the time?
Next time you want to bitch about a story not being covered, don't.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Mark, I think making blanket statements like that is unfair. This is not a black and white world. Withholding a story for political advantage (which is, arguably, the main reason why stories would ever be kept under cover in our country) and withholding it to protect someone's life, are two totally different issues.
Of course Harry going into battle is a move that puts himself into danger. But how can you not agree that making it known across the world that he's there puts him in more danger?
And I'll bitch when I want to bitch, thank you very much.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Ya, Mark...what she said.
Monday, March 03, 2008
You gals are pretty up in arms for a Monday. Have cosmo when you get home from work. Did you notice the fresh bottle of Grey Goose, Molly?
Monday, March 03, 2008
Ya, thanks for the meaningless advice to the pregnant lady :) I think Mark's a little up in arms if you ask me.
Monday, March 03, 2008
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