Garfield without Garfield.
I have to give a hat tip to my friend Ryan for this one. A website has redone real Garfield comics but has taken Garfield out of them, leaving Jon talking to himself. I never really liked Garfield, but still read it religiously as a youngster because I felt compelled to read each comic every morning. It was a little something that spiced up my home schooled life.
Garfield with Garfield? Not so funny. Garfield minus Garfield? Hilarious.
Garfield with Garfield? Not so funny. Garfield minus Garfield? Hilarious.
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You've opened up a whole new love of Garfield for me. You're right... it takes the comic to a whole new crazy level. Sweet.
Friday, March 07, 2008
You know what's funny about your screen name being serinekat? When I was 12-years-old I had ear surgery, and someone gave me this beautiful stuffed animal that was a calico cat. This was right about the time that you and Lois were becoming fast friends, and I loved your middle name, Serine. So I named the stuffed kitty Serine, and she was lovely.
Friday, March 07, 2008
Awwwww...what a touching little story, Molly :) It is a lovely name. And Garfield without Garfield is more hilarious than I ever thought possible.
Friday, March 07, 2008
What's next?? Ziggy without Ziggy? Hagar the Horrible without Hagar? Bloom County without a political bias? I think we need to think this through a little more before we jump on board. This could be a very slippery sloap.
I'm afraid to get home and open up my Calvin and Hobbes books to find Molly has erased Hobbs from every strip.
Friday, March 07, 2008
Could never do it. I have quite an affectionate place in my heart for that Tiger.
Friday, March 07, 2008
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