Same job, different uniform.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

I hope...

By all accounts, Tim Russert was a great guy. Tom Brokaw choking back tears said it all as he did his "sad duty" yesterday by announcing the death.

I hope that as all of his colleagues and competitors continue to memorialize him in the coming week that they listen to carefully to their own words. That they all learn a lesson in civility. That they begin to look at what it means to be a true and fair journalist. That they consider the concept of not interrupting their guests. That they start to do their homework and grill politicians on the real issues. That they take a moment or two to ponder historical context. But most of all I hope they take to heart what he said about being a father and a son, and that he never forgot his roots.

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Blogger JEB said...

Amen, Molly. I can not believe that tomorrow when I turn on "Meet the Press," it will be (I assume) a memorial to Tim Russert and not Russert being Russert. I did not always agree with him - he was after all from a union-town, and a blue collar liberal. But he was, as you say, a good father, a good son and by all appearances a good husband. How tragic that his family will go through Father's Day tomorrow without him - tragic for his son, and maybe more so for his father who will instead attend the funeral of his child.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Blogger SerineKat said...

It's bittersweet to see him go. It was good to know that someone at that level of the business these days had character and kept it. I hope that others follow his lead.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


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