Same job, different uniform.

Friday, May 12, 2006

It's been an emotional week for me. . .

what with . . .

. . . finding out three of the seven Camden kids are pregnant with twins.

. . . Lorelai making the biggest mistake ever.

. . . Chris being sent home.

. . . contemplating the fate of Grace and her baby.

. . . and Pam and Jim finally owning up to their feelings for each other - by far, the best surprise of the week!

What will next week bring?

. . . saying farewell to an administration I used to love.

. . . hoping Kat goes home, because I've decided to take my anger out on her.

. . . finally finding out if Leo and Grace will end up together.

. . . waiting to see if Eric returns to take Donna back, and discovering the fate of Red, Kitty, Kelso, Fez, Jackie, and Hyde.

. . . watching Seth, Summer, Ryan, and Marissa graduate together.

And, in my real life, school's done. Woo-hoo!

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Blogger girlfriday said...

First things first: WHAT did Lorelai do?

Three of the seven? That's so far over the top it's just funny.

Who are Pam and Jim?

Friday, May 12, 2006

Blogger girlfriday said...

Alright, I realize this is the cute couple from The Office. Give me a break here, it's not like you said, "Ross and Rachel."

Friday, May 12, 2006

Blogger Lois E. Lane said...

I second that, texas ... deep into Friday afternoon, I was still dreaming of that kiss. BTW, girlfriday, Lorelai slept with Rory's dad, Christopher, after what looked like a sudden meltdown/break-up with Luke in the middle of the street.

Monday, May 15, 2006


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