Same job, different uniform.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Indication #47 that you might be yelling at your child too much

This is Audrey's depiction of me, post this morning's outburst. What can I say? I was trying to focus on my core and do my pilates?! My aforementioned daughter of four years kept asking me question after question. As a result I might have slammed down the TV remote and asked for 15 minutes of non question asking time. Maybe the volume of my voice was elevated and maybe my blood pressure was soaring. Did guilt follow immediately? Yes. Why can't I just take a few deep breaths before I react. That is my new goal.

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Blogger JEB said...

I have had those days.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Blogger "Molly McGee" said...

Me too. The best is when I have three jobs in one day. Then if I have three meltdowns, three different sets of kids get to experience it. And yes, the guilt always immediately follows. Anyone who must spend a lot of time with kids learns to be very grateful for they ability to (usually) quickly forgive you....after they've depicted you as a mad, apparently green-winged monster. Or they say something like "you really scared me when you yelled like that!" Then they forgive you.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I appreciate your honesty. I have those days to, but I usually only post the pictures they draw of "happy mom"... the other ones end up in the garbage.
We can rest in the fact that all mom's who are with their children break down... the ones that aren't with their children aren't there to break down... which is better?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Blogger JEB said...

Definitely being there with your kids even if it means a few shouting sessions. Maybe we should all get pillows and keep them attached to our belts and then we could just scream into those as needed.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


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