Picking a retirement location may be difficult
I was brushing my teeth and washing my face this evening while reading the latest issue of one of my subscription magazines. When I finished my bedtime routine, I closed the magazine and placed it half on top of the magazine my husband had last been reading in the bathroom. As I started to walk away I glanced down at the counter again and chuckled: I had put my latest issue of "Southern Living" on top of his latest issue of "The New Yorker." We may be at cross purposes . . . .
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I guess I need to come over and place a copy of MN Monthly over both of your magazines. =)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
That would be nice, bur really how many articles can you read about ice fishing and fabulous public libraries? :}
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Ooh, that was low, Jeb. Low. I see how we in the Midwestern stand in your eyes.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
I take it as a compliment. We are well read and in the midst of extreme weather conditions, we can feed ourselves.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
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