And now for something completely different.

Was girlfriday really void of a single post about the oh-so-annoying Kenley?
Where are they going with Jim and Pam? Will Dwight manage to stop the pending nuptials of Andy & Angela?
Have you seen Tina Fey ditch the Palin suits for her Liz Lemon sweats? And, oh, the celebrity guest stars this season!
Are you one of the lucky ones with Direct TV so you can watch the drama unfold in Dillon, Texas? I don't, but my friends do, so I'm all caught up. Be jealous.
Are you as nervous as I am every time Mark Schwann leaves a character alone in a dark room because of the show's propensity for killing off characters? (ok, I already know the answer to that question)
What other shows have caught your fancy this fall? I hear this show is NYPD Blue meets Back to the Future, but I have yet to catch an ep. However, I do love that they have brought one of my favorite Sopranos' actors back to life. I've had to leave Seattle Grace by the wayside. Mostly due to scheduling conflicts but partly for its ooey-gooey voice-overs. But I still like to keep up with it in the news.
What keeps you coming back week to week? Talk amongst yourselves.
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And how about Sheriff Taylor, Barney Fife and Opie? DonBob
Friday, November 07, 2008
Hitherto most of my television watching has been on Bravo or Discovery. Project Runway, Dirty Jobs, Mythbusters, Survivorman (NOT Man vs. Wild with that poser Bear Grylls). The problem is, I don't like to spend a lot of time in the basement where our TV is. We have one in our bedroom, but it has an antennae, so I can get two stations.
Since the new season of television started, I became a fan of Chuck and have tried to catch some of the Thursday night shows, too. Other than that, it's pretty much Jeeves and Wooster and All Creatures Great and Small courtesy of Netflix.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
I'm behind on Grey's. We have been keeping up with The Office, 30 Rock, The Soup and Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders - Making the team 3.
If you thought reality television was just for the weak minded then you haven't been watching the morality nugget called, "17 Kids and Counting."
Key quote from one of the older daughters of home schooling, super reproducers Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar on their families clothing style, "I would say we're modern modest." Hill air e ous
Monday, November 10, 2008
SO glad for the return of "30 Rock" and "The Office"! "My Own Worst Enemy" is much more intriguing than I anticipated and worth checking out. I'm happy they moved "Life" to Wednesday nights because it will be easier to catch. Other than that it's cooking shows on the Food Network and "Cosby Show" re-runs for now :)
Monday, November 10, 2008
The Office and 30 Rock, well, they ROCK. Haven't caught FNL yet because no direct tv, but come January we're there baby. Kelly tells me Sports Guy approves, so that's good. Love to watch reruns of Still Standing in the afternoon. And as always, it's alwasy The Waltons with me. I can not watch anymore seasons of Keen Eddie since there aren't any - but I can dream. Tried The Fringe specifically for Mark Valley, but he was a bad guy and killed off the first episode - sort of. Enh.
My newest love, however, may be Old episodes of old EVERYTHING. And new stuff too. I watched Simon and Simon and Emergency! the other day. Oh MAN!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
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