The Big Questions
Why does God save us?
What does saving faith produce in us?
Is heaven the aim or is it something more?
What does saving faith produce in us?
Is heaven the aim or is it something more?
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1. God saves us because it brings glory to Him.
2. Saving faith produces in his children a willingness to believe the gospel and place their trust in God.
3. Heaven is the fulfillment of God's perfect plan to allow his redeemed people to enjoy Him and glorify Him forever.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
1...Because He loves us and He wants to.
2...Love in its best form so we can then share it.
3...Yes, but there's also joy in the journey :)
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Lois E. Lane is right on, as usual. Ad this to question number one:Col.1:16 "All things were made through Him (Christ) and for him." The gift of Christ dying on the cross whereby sinners receive eternal life and dwell in His measureless love is one of those things done "for Him". We benefit by the glorious God glorifying himself in Christ being punished for sinners. Hallelujah!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Yes indeed. When I think of why we were created, it's impossible to deny the reason of God being glorified. Yet when I think of why we are SAVED, the first scripture that comes to mind, citing God's motivitation, is one of the most famous: "For God so LOVED the world THAT He have His only begotten Son, that whosever belives in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). Oh the deep deep love of Jesus...
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Amazing Grace. We love that song when we realize that "deep, deep love" that Lois refers to. It's amazing that he died in shame, which is how we should die. He took the shame and was punished as a shameful, wicked criminal--a punishment which I deserve. A deep and amazing love to be sure.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
amzgI'm not touching the first two with a ten foot pole. Not in one paragraph on a blog.
But the last one is a question that I think about a lot. If I begin to look at it all as just me getting to heaven, I think I begin to miss the point. Then it feels like I'm being led by fear, and how does that help you love people and love God?
And in general, all of this seems to make more sense to me when I just think of God as being a father. I think of a parent's fierce love, mingled with all the disapointment a child can cause, and I feel like I begin to get a clearer picture of our relationship with God.
That's all I have to say, folks.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
You are all brilliant and thoughtful and I love you leagues beyond what I can express.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
well spoken iheart. relationship. How awesome it feels when Audrey will, unprompted, say she loves me. How does she feel when i give her my undivided attention or comfort her when she's hurt?
Thursday, February 08, 2007
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