Big Day at the girlfriday Household
My husband is switching phone carriers and we are upgrading our phones.
Does anyone have Verizon?
If so, do you have any feedback on your LG phone? We are looking at a couple of models. Any feedback would be helpful!
ADDED: Proud new owner
Does anyone have Verizon?
If so, do you have any feedback on your LG phone? We are looking at a couple of models. Any feedback would be helpful!
ADDED: Proud new owner
Labels: Random, Technology
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For what it's worth, i ADORE my LG AX8600. It's not as flashy as the Chocolate (which my office mate carries has and loves), but it's a good phone.
The sound quality is a hundred times better than my brother's Samsung. It also has music-playing capabilities and shiny display buttons with cute little sound effects. My only complaint is that i get makeup in the little crevices...but that's the price i'm willing to pay for fashion. ;-)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Friday!!! I'm so glad you posted. Woman you have more blogs than anyone. I can't keep track. And I can't comment on Xanga because I'm not a member and frankly, I'm drowning in my social networking memberships so I probably won't be joining.
I love Songs of Ascent, and I love your Xanga blog. Any others I'm missing?
Friday, March 28, 2008
Love the new phone, gf! If it has a keyboard that means you need to sign up for some free texting. Seriously, I think it's required.
Friday, March 28, 2008
I have a texting plan, yo.
Friday, March 28, 2008
yay! Expect me to start stalking you. suh-weet.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Congrats on the phone; it looks sweet! Molly's right: it pretty much begs to be texted into oblivion. Have fun with that.
And no, i do not have more blogs than anyone...just the two.
My original blogspot was too angsty.
Anyway, i am hoping to post to Songs of Ascent more often (ha!)now that i've finished the study. i understand your frustration with the abyss of social networks:
Xanga is often juvenile-oriented and always riven with ads, but i like my layout, and some of my friends still blog there. So, for the moment i will content myself with having you as a Xanga ghost.
ps Sorry for the novel.
Friday, March 28, 2008
My sister has the same phone you do. She likes it pretty well.
I'm holding out for a tri-corder.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
It's official, gf: You're now too cool for school.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
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