A baby changes everything. (For the better.)
My sister is a mother. My little sister. IS. A. MOTHER.
I never imagined (O, thank you God for all the good things that happen while I'm busying worrying about the bad things that never do) what a thrill being an aunt could be. There are three little boys now, and I adore them. Earnest, winsome, loving, and mischievous. And another that's sure to be the life of the party.
And now a little one kicking around inside me. I begin to understand why mothers call pregnancy and child birth a miracle. Tiny cells, rapidly dividing and changing and in weeks a heartbeat, a spine, skin. Not yet one pound and this baby is all there. All four chambers of the heart. A wildly complex brain. A beautifully flexible spine. Tiny fists and a nicely turned ankle.
A person.
Inside of me.
And paving the way is a younger sister showering her son with kisses and filling my heart with joy.
No wonder I've been humming the opening lines of Psalm 45 these past three weeks.
My heart does overflow. A goodly theme is mine.
I never imagined (O, thank you God for all the good things that happen while I'm busying worrying about the bad things that never do) what a thrill being an aunt could be. There are three little boys now, and I adore them. Earnest, winsome, loving, and mischievous. And another that's sure to be the life of the party.
And now a little one kicking around inside me. I begin to understand why mothers call pregnancy and child birth a miracle. Tiny cells, rapidly dividing and changing and in weeks a heartbeat, a spine, skin. Not yet one pound and this baby is all there. All four chambers of the heart. A wildly complex brain. A beautifully flexible spine. Tiny fists and a nicely turned ankle.
A person.
Inside of me.
And paving the way is a younger sister showering her son with kisses and filling my heart with joy.
No wonder I've been humming the opening lines of Psalm 45 these past three weeks.
My heart does overflow. A goodly theme is mine.
Labels: babies, Family, Reflections
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The everyday miracle.
Am I comprehending correctly that the grandchild boy count is up to four?
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sorry, no. As you undoubtedly know from talking to my loquacious sister, we're mum on the subject of the baby's sex.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Hip, hip, hooray! You are going to be such a fun, loving and fun-loving mom :) And I'm so happy we can share the journey...
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
You are going to be a fabulous mother, Lord K. I can only imagine the story boards, puppet shows, screen plays and eventually sitcoms that will be coming out of the South Dakota prarie in the near future!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
At least one of us is loquacious!
And I LOVE this picture of Special K - ooooh, I miss him and can't wait to meet the new one!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
What a lovely post, Future Mother of An Adorable Baby. You almost made me catch the baby fever.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
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