The case against McCain
I have been trying my best to stay out of political "discussions" on this blog. But I am now beginning to feel so fervently that in no way is John McCain the "lesser of two evils" in this campaign. All Palin issues aside, I'll let the man speak for himself.
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So will you and Kelly be joining us for Christmas this year?
Monday, September 15, 2008
They're all politicians. They're all full of crap. Putting all their crap together in one place definitely looks bad. But those pieces were put together by people with a bias. Surely there was more to some of those statements. You know they could put together something similar about Obama, but they wouldn't because they think he is perfect. Like I said, they're pretty much all bad. At least one of them doesn't want socialism.
Monday, September 15, 2008
To be fair, just type "Obama lies" into youtube search box. They're both full of it. And Obama's lies are much scarier than McCain's because they show he is clueless.
Monday, September 15, 2008
I found video clips on Rev. Wright and NAFTA. Yawn.
If Karl Rove publicly states that your ads have gone "too far" then I think you are in serious need of a self-awarenss check.
Monday, September 15, 2008
And trying to convince me that I should vote for him because all candidates lie is like me trying to convince someone to watch One Tree Hill because all teen dramas are cheesy, predictable and poorly written.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Tsk Tsk...The young, wild one o' the "B" Clan...
Monday, September 15, 2008
1. The Real McCain Part 1. Really lame. It does the very thing it complains about.
2. The Real McCain Part 2. Pretty good, actually. McCain has serious baggage and a big mouth. McCain and Biden have a lot in common.
3. I can't fault anybody for not voting for McCain. I can't understand a vote for Obama.
4. The Obama-Biden view on abortion is reprehensible. Biden accepts the view of his church (he is Catholic) that abortion is murder. He regularly votes to support what he claims to believe is murder. And no matter how he spins it, Obama voted for infanticide. The presidential pay grade does require taking a stand on when life begins.
5. Need I say anything about how ABC edited the Sarah Palin interview? And shame on everybody, including Charlie Gibson, for not having a concise definition of the "Bush Doctrine". How many times has the "Bush Doctrine" changed since 9-11?
6. Above all, may we humbly acknowledge words such as these:
Daniel 2:19-20 -- Daniel said, "Let the name of God be blessed forever, for wisdom and power belong to Him. It is He who changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings; He gives wisdom to wise men and knowledge to men of understanding." Amen. POPS
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Ya, the thing I didn't like about the first one was the *distortion* of Pickins' (sp?) view -- he's for more drilling now, in addition to energy alternatives. And the second one was OK except for that Olberman clip -- McCain said IF he were president he would've been down there helping on the ground. Not that he shouldn't have been helping anyway, but still. And I guess this is where my ignorance comes into play, but are we just supposed to assume that he's talking about the same exact tax cuts in each of those soundbites? If I'd produced that video, I would have made that crystal clear.
Elphaba -- I hope you know we in our fam aren't card-carrying members of the McCain fan club. But yes, if you could please take molly off our hands for Christmas, it would be a huge burden lifted :)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Let me suggest that it is unwise to cast(or not cast) one's vote based on tendentious videos edited in such a way to make someone look the worst possible. It's like deciding one's view of foreign policy based on Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9-11." These videos are propaganda and should be viewed as such. That does not mean one should vote one way or the other, but a careful viewer should be skeptical about such things.
All votes are be definition for a less than perfect candidate. If one wants the perfect candidate, then one should run for office. Politics is the thing of compromises and half loafs.
BTW, as Byron York writes today at National Review Online, the McCain ad on kindergarten sex-ed actually is accurate. He helpfully provides a link to the actual bill, so we can all find out for ourselves.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
As far as One Tree Hill, you can choose not to watch any crappy teen dramas. We can't choose not to have a President. And unfortunate as it may be, these are our 2 choices.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
That's where your wrong. I don't have a choice. These shows suck me in every time...
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I'm so sorry - I don't mean to criticize or correct, but I just can't get Ross out of my head. "Y-o-u apostrophe r-e means you are. Y-O-U-R means your!" :)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Oh I'm so ashamed of myself for making that mistake! And if I could just add...
"It's not that common, it doesn't happen to every guy and it IS a big deal!"
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
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